Did you know that CSTC provides therapy services in our local community schools?

We have therapists that provide physical, occupational, and speech therapy in many of our local community schools. We work directly with the schools to provide these services to students with various educational needs from preschool to post high school. Our therapists follow all the local and state educational guidelines to provide these services to students who demonstrate a need.

Did you know that CSTC provides therapy services in many different ways in the school?

If school-based therapy services are warranted, those services can vary greatly from student to student. The services may be a direct service in which the therapist works directly with the student to improve skills and can occur in many locations within the school environment. These include the classroom, therapy area, gymnasium, lunch room, or playground, just to name a few. The services may also be in the form of a consultation in which the therapist works in collaboration with school staff to provide the staff with strategies to use on a daily basis to improve a student’s overall performance in school.

A list of warning signs for possible motor concerns can be found on our website here:


If you have any concerns about your child’s development, it is important to speak with your child’s pediatrician and teacher regarding your concerns. You can also reach out to our pediatric staff at 419-586-2077 or learn more about our pediatric therapy program at https://www.cstcenter.com/project/pediatric-therapy.